作者:Buffalo Bill
更新:An Autobiography Of Buffalo Bill.doc
In his public career, William Cody straddled two worlds and two eras. Born in 1846 in Iowa, he moved west as the nation expanded to the Pacific; he was a genuine product of the frontier who served as a Pony Express rider, army scout, and big-game hunter. Yet he achieved his greatest fame as the frontier was closing, and his Wild West shows, with their utilization of mass-marketing techniques and electronic gimmickry, clearly belong to the twentieth century. But, as Warren reveals in this engrossing and thoroughly enjoyable biography, Cody himself, and the public perception of his life, were always riddled with contradictions. In later life, Cody undeniably embellished his accomplishments, but Warren shows that, as a frontiersman, Cody was the genuine article. He was often self-centered, even narcissistic, but he seemed to genuinely like people and was generous to a fault. Warren has provided an outstanding examination of the life and times of an enigmatic "hero" who was perhaps our first media-driven superstar……