乔治·艾略特-米德尔马契-Middlemarch_ 英语有声小说。作者,是出生于一八一九年十一月的英国女性小说家乔治·艾略特(George ELIOT)。作者出生于华威郡的一个中产家庭,并受过很好的教育。但是,她却做一个件在当时,即使是现在也不让人见容于社会的事。那就是爱上已离人士并与之同居。三十岁时,作者由于从事翻译工作而开始进行文学创作,她也是在这一时期遇到了自己的爱人。当时刘易斯已经有了家庭,但是作者却没有放弃她的爱情,而选择和刘易期同居后迁往德国。即使不被社会所接受,他们两人却不顾社会对他们的评价,而相互扶持,幸福的生活在一起。而她的真正作品,却是在刘易斯的支持之下完成的。本书米德尔马契-Middlemarch是她一八七二年创作的,当时的作者已经是五十三岁了,但这却并不影响这部作品的非凡成就,成为******的经典。即使在四十多岁之后开始进行文学创作,也不得不说本书是她比较成熟的一部作品。在本书里,作者主要写了两个住在这个城市里的女人的命运。萝西亚充满向往的与大她二十七岁的丈夫结婚之后,却变的十分孤独。丈夫的侄子威尔在与她的相处中爱上了她,而却被丈夫拒之门外。萝西亚的丈夫突然去世,她则放弃了遗产的继承权最终选择了和威尔在一起。在西利亚最终婚给了爵士,并与之结婚生子。在本书米德尔马契-Middlemarch里,作者一共塑造了一百五十多位人物形象,而这些人物则成为了书里所创造的社会的线索。The book examines the role of education in the lives of the characters and how such education and study has affected the characters. Rosamond Vincy's finishing school education is a foil to Dorothea Brooke's religiously-motivated quest for knowledge. Rosamond initially admires Lydgate for his exotic education, and his intellect. A similar dynamic is present in Dorothea and Casaubon's relationship, with Dorothea revering her new husband's intellect and eloquence. In both cases, however, the young wives' expectations of their husbands intellects are not reflected in reality.Despite extreme erudition, Mr. Casaubon is afraid to publish because he believes that he must write a work that is utterly above criticism. In contrast, Lydgate at times arrogantly flaunts his knowledge, making enemies with his fellow physicians. He regards the residents of Middlemarch with a certain amount of contempt stemming from his belief that the townspeople are backwards and uninteresting. However, his education has not included tact and politicking, skills necessary in a small town but are seen by Lydgate as below him, the brilliant doctor.