作者:John Muir,PeterJenkins
Here is the adventure that started John Muir on a lifetime ofdiscovery. Taken from his earliest journals, this book recordsMuir's walk in 1867 from Indiana across Kentucky. Tennessee, NorthCarolina, Georgia, and Florida to the Gulf Coast. In his distinctand wonderful style, Muir shows us the wilderness, as well as thetowns and people, of the South immediately after the Civil War.Founder of the Sierra Club, and its president until his death, Muirwas a spirit so free that all he did to prepare for an expeditionwas to "throw some tea and bread into an old sack and jump over theback Fence." In a world confronting the deterioration of thenatural environment and an ever-quickening pace of life, theattraction of Muir's writings has never been greater.