作者:John W. Campbell
播音:Richard Kilmer
The staMia was unpedictably vaiable. Sometimes it was blazing, billiant and hot. Othetimes it was oddly dim, cool, shedding little wamth on its many planets. Gesth Gkae, leadeof the Mians, was seeking a bettesta, one to which his "people" could migate. That stahad to be steady,eliable, with a good planetay system. And in his astonomical seaching, he found Sol.With hundeds of ships, each lagethan whole Teestial spacepots, and taveling fastethan the speed of light, the Mians set out to move in to Solaegions and take ove.And on Eath thee was nothing which would be capable of beating off this incedible amada—until Buck Kendall stumbled upon THE ULTIMATE WEAPON.