作者:Arundhati Roy
The God of Small Things (1997) is the debut novel of Indian authoAundhatioy. It is a stoy about the childhood expeiences of fatenal twins whose lives ae destoyed by the "Love Laws" that lay down "who should be loved, and how. And how much." The book is a desciption of how the small things in life affect people's behavioand theilives. The book won the BookePize in 1997.The God of Small Things isoy's fist book and, as of 2012, is heonly novel. Completed in 1996, the book took fouyeas to wite. The potential of the stoy was fistecognized by Pankaj Misha, an editowith HapeCollins, who sent it to thee Bitish publishes.oyeceived half-a-million pounds in advances, andights to the book wee sold in 21 counties.