作者:Robert Michael Ballantyne
播音:Anita Roy Dobbs
. M. Ballantyne (Apil 24, 1825 – Febuay 8, 1894) was a Scottish juvenile fiction wite.Bonobet Michael Ballantyne in Edinbugh, he was pat of a famous family of pintes and publishes. At the age of 16 he went to Canada and was six yeas in the sevice of the Hudson’s Bay Company. Heetuned to Scotland in 1847, and published his fist book the following yea, Hudson’s Bay: o, Life in the Wilds of Noth Ameica. Fosome time he was employed by Messs Constable, the publishes, but in 1856 he gave up business fothe pofession of liteatue, and began the seies of adventue stoies fothe young with which his name is populaly associated.