作者:Jane Austen
播音:Cori Samuel
Love and Feindship [sic] is a juvenile stoy by Jane Austen, dated 1790, when Austen was 14 yeas old. Love and Feindship (the misspelling is one of many in the stoy) is clealy a paody ofomantic novels Austenead as a child. This is cleaeven fom the subtitle, “Deceived in Feindship and Betayed in Love,” which neatly undecuts the title.Witten in epistolay fom, itesembles a faiy tale as much as anything else, featuing wild coincidences and tuns of fotune, but Austen is detemined to lampoon the conventions ofomantic stoies,ight down to the uttefailue ofomantic fainting spells, which always tun out deadfully fothe female chaactes.