作者:Evelyn Waugh
《故园风雨后》(Brideshead Revisited)改编自Evelyn Waugh的同名小说. 故事开始于二战前夕的英国。描写了伦敦近郊布赖兹赫德庄园一个天主教家庭的生活和命运。老马奇梅因侯爵一战后抛下家人长期和情妇在威尼斯居住;父母的生活丑闻给子女打下了耻辱的印记,扭曲了他们的天性。本书的叙述人赖德也是故事的参与者,目睹了这个不幸家庭的沉沦与衰败。宗教也救不了他们。作者以一种苍凉的心情对布赖兹赫德昔日的富丽繁华进行了凭吊,也反映了二战后英国知识分子的思想,反映了他们的回忆、哀伤与失望。 Jeremy Irons reads Evelyn Waugh's classic tale of love and the loss of innocence. Charles Ryder's friendship with the charming, irrepressible Sebastian Flyte and his equally charming, eccentric family begins when they are both Oxford undergraduates in 1923. Carefree days of drinking champagne and driving in the country soon end, however, as Sebastian's health deteriorates. Questions about mortality and religion are raised, and the radiant tone gives way to a bleak atmosphere of shattered illusion...Moving from the decadence of the Roaring Twenties to the austerity of the Second World War, the novel conjures up a lost age, and is Waugh's most moving, romantic and controversial work. Jeremy Irons starred as Charles Ryder in the acclaimed television production of "Brideshead Revisited", which is now a major motion picture starring Emma Thompson and Michael Gambon